Hey guys! Is this DAY 5 or DAY 6? I lost count already? Either way, we had a fabulous weekend of shooting this weekend. We were on location with the Holiday Rambler with a night of Banjo's, redneck campfire singalongs, and gruesome killins'. It was our first shoot with special FX and they went off without a hitch. I wound up doing all the special FX makeup myself for this shoot and our special FX advisor Jarrod Musselwhite handled everything else. Everything look absolutely fantastic and our actors were incredible to watch and hang out with. I hope to be able to work with all of them again in the future as they are consummate professionals, and experts at their crafit (in my very small personal opinion.) I learned alot from them and from everyone on set so far. All my actors were troopers in the slight cold and nastyness that was to come for them (Here's looking at you Bethany!). I cannot wait to see this scene played out on screen.
Here's a few photos from the nights events you can see the rest at our set photographer's website found at http://wmiphotography.smugmug.com/Movies/Exit-101/11240259_y4tqk#810105029_zs7xt
Photos are all by William Mahnken.

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