Hey guys, long time no blog. I've just been really busy trying to get EXIT 101 in the can. We are just 2 weekends away (if all goes as planned) from being completely done with principal photography, and then its on to Post Production where it all starts coming together. I just want to take a moment once again to thank all of my amazing cast and crew members who did an awesome job in the cold of winter, the seering heat of summer and the sometimes grueling long hours they had to endure to get this movie made. We have all worked very hard on it, and we can't wait for everyone to get a chance to see it. Want to give a special shout out to Monica Simmons as without her alot of what we were able to do would have been impossible. Also a special thanks to Dennis and Dorcas Fraser for letting us invade their home/property more than a dozen times, and for Mrs. Dorcas' outstanding craft services even at all hours of the early morning.
Tying up loose ends.
Its the Final Countdown!

Down to the Wire.
We are getting very close to picture wrap. We just got done with a grueling weekend. I was awake for literally two days straight while we filmed the two biggest scenes in the film. We were only able to complete half of one of them. The first scene on Friday night was amazing. Raina Strickland, who plays Erica; completely floored me with her performance. She's come into her own so much as this film has progressed and I am extremely proud of what she's accomplished. Saturday was an adventure to say the least. The entire crew was running around like chickens with their heads cut off. We ran two cameras simultaneously, thanks to Greg Block for bringing his. We also were able to run the Crane for the first time. The shots were amazing from it. It was a very grueling nearly 18 hour day for myself, and some other members of the crew. But, we stuck it out and got the shots we needed before the sun came up. Now we are on the home stretch, and we should be getting ready to wrap this thing up shortly.
Nearing completion!
I haven't posted in a while. We've been super busy preparing for the BIGGEST scene in the entire movie. We are shooting it starting on July 10th, and it may pour over into another day. Its going to be full of extras, blood, and special FX. The most special FX in the entire film. After thats out of the way, we only have a few more scenes to do and we are done with this thing. I'd like to thank everyone who has stuck with us thus far, its been an amazing ride. We aren't done yet, but we are getting there. Once filming is complete we go into the arduous process of post production.
Over the Hump!
Hey guys, its been a bit again since the last time I posted. Have had alot going on. Done alot of shoots, and we are well on our way to being done with this thing! Its summer time now (or at least it feels like it) and we are working on things for the biggest shoot in the film. We hope to have (with your help) a whopping 100 or more extras for a huge Halloween Party scene. We have been testing special effects this weekend to get ready for that. In saying that, We are still looking for as many extras as we can muster for this scene. We really want to raise the bar. So far we have close to 100 possible extras, but the more we can get the better. We are looking for 2 types. Here's the breakdowns:
I looked at our shooting schedule today, which is a spreadsheet I created that lists every single scene in the film, so that we can keep track of what we have filmed, and what we have left to shoot. As we shoot the scenes are highlighted in yellow to denote that we are done shooting that particular scene. I'm glad to let you guys know that there is an awful lot of yellow on there right now! We are moving along! We just wrapped several scenes up with some great actors. Want to thank our Associate Producer Monica Simmons for helping us out with the Crisp County Sheriff and EMS. Also want to thank them for hanging in there with us for the shots we got this weekend. We are getting ready to release the first of a few teaser trailers on youtube/vimeo and some other sites over the next week. We hope that you like what you see! As this is being written the last video is being encoded for viewing. So, to finish this out I'm gonna give you a rundown of our crew as they deserve to get a mention for all their hard work and amazingness on set so far. We've had a small crew, and sometimes large crews.. but no matter what we have a great time, and many times these guys wear many different hats. Give it up for the EXIT 101 CREW!
Moving right along!

Caleb - Joseph Lavender
Blake - Dennis Proulx
Reggie - Devin Ray
Stacey - Kasey Stewart
Erica - Raina Strickland

- Exit 101
- Cordele, GA
- EXIT 101 is a low/no budget horror feature being Produced by Blackflight Studios. It is being shot in rural South Ga in various locations. Shooting will begin in early 2010.
Associate Producer/Locations - Monica Simmons
Audio Engineer/Boom Operator- Kevin Beasley
Set Photography/Promotions - William Mahnken
Make up/Hair - Brenda Phillips, Melinda Stephenson
Visual/Special Effects - Jarrod Musselwhite
Production Assistant - Brandon Farrow
Help us out!